- Song: Pakhwa

PAKHWA Song LYRICS with Translation:
Che dunya aab-o-gil ta insan raghay
When to the blend of sand and water (Earth), the “human” came.
meena raghla fitna raghla toofan raghay
Came love, Came curse, a storm came.
ma bega pa khob khwaray zulfay lidalay
With disheveled hair, I saw her in a dream (last night);
Khuday dai khair kri chi Qaasid pareshaan raghay
Her well-being I desire (from God); as worried the messenger came.
Shwa maluma chi zwani hum da kar siz wu
Came to know youth was a thing of use.
chi kam khkule rana tair shu armaan raghay
The beauty that I passed, its yearning came,
chi mi zra ayena makho ta hawas kro
For when I let the greed for the mirror-faced reflect onto my heart;
hairaan taley wu zama na hairan raghay
Awe that had left me, in awe it came.
Khpalo malgaro pakhwano sara zam
With friends of time; I go,
za da sahra ta leewano sara zam
With mad men to the desert; I go.
umer shu tair nashwa poora latana
Life has passed, incomplete the quest remains.
agha nimgaro afsano sara zam
With my incomplete tales, I go.
wehshata sta merabani wa pa ma
O Fear! Your blessing; It is;
siri greewan da zamano sara zam
As fearlessly with the times; I go.
Wakht aakhiri dai sitamgara rasha
O cruel friend! Come, for the end is near;
sta daroghjano bahano sara zam
With Your false excuses; I go
la kho mi sthar pa nwar khaata prata di
Yet, My way is set upon the rising sun
na laka nwar da preewato sara zam
Not that with the falling sun, I go.
krama jahaan chi da Pukhtoon zalmay
For when I make the world; a Pakhtoon of age;
da khpalo paighlo hoosalo sara zam
With my youthful spirit; I go.
ma hamza chi da beltoon tyaray sharalay
When I (Hamza) was fighting the darkness of separation
laka shama zama kor ta khandaan raghay
The beacon of happiness; came to my abode.
thal ba pa laara mairano sara zam
Forever shall I go with the valiant.
yama Pukhtoon da Pukhtano sara zam
For I’m a Pakhtoon, and with Pakhtoons; I go.
waye aghyaar chi da dozakh jaba da
That the rivals name as the tongue of Hell,
za ba jannat ta da Puktho sara zam
To Paradise, with Pakhto, I (will) go.
Band: Ismail and Junaid
Song: Pakhwa
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